about me

  • name: hommi
  • location: italy
  • birthday: april, '98
  • pronouns: they/them
  • fav colours: blue, green and brown
  • fav foods: stroopwaffels, tempura udon, fresh piadina

hi, i'm hommi!
i'm just another internet dweller wanting to build their own little corner somewhere far away from all SNS.

i'm sort of a software/web development student (kind of not confirmed yet), and kiiind of a part-time librarian. it's not as cool as it sounds, unfortunately!

i love gathering stuff that i think it's neat, all kinds of art, videogames, cooking and stickers! i need to write/share my interests more, i've been quite bad at it in the past few years...
i'd say that my driving hyperfocus is building libraries of things and sharing them with people.
i'm a bit awkward, but i'm always happy to chat :D


hommi 🐁 10 hours ago
test for my status cafe log thingy, for the future